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Author Topic: November Thread- Come on in.  (Read 111267 times)
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« Reply #120 on: November 27, 2009, 08:20:31 pm »

Hello Friends.It's cold & windy tonight. Staying in & keeping warm. No Black Friday shopping for me- may go back next week - there will still be plenty of sales & coupons to use.

BHR- Congrats to your Nebraska Team for their win today. I agree with you that Alan Fans are very sprcial.

Elaine- Hope the snow stays away for awhile.

Kathy- I used to knock  off 16 hour shifts at the hospital. Now I don't know if I could ever do that again. I just do things slowly now & take one at a time.

Hi Caz- good to hear from you.

Hi Gwen.

Hope the rest of the weekend is good for all. We are celebrating Thanksgivng tomorrow with my family. It will be good to see  everybody.

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« Reply #121 on: November 27, 2009, 09:36:49 pm »

Thanks, Harriet. Too bad Colorado scored the final touchdown. :-) Now we'll see if they can beat Texas in the Big 12 championship. Sure hope so. That game will decide whether they play at the Fiesta Bowl, which we rather they do. Otherwise they'll play either at the Alamo Bowl, Holiday Bowl or possibly the Cotton Bowl. It's been years since they play at the National Championship game and we're hoping that they'll get back there again another season. . .soon?

Have been extra tired from the unexpected Thanksgiving Day mishap so I'm going to bed tonight. Everyone, please read my post on the "HAPPY THANKSGIVING" thread. I will be updating you all tomorrow about this tomorrow. Just suffice to say that everything turn out okay in the end. . .as a matter of fact much better than we had expected.

Take care all and HUGS!


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« Reply #122 on: November 27, 2009, 10:35:33 pm »

The crowds don't bother me it is the cashiers ...they don't have enough for the crowd and then you have the wait..I was shopping Wednesday and they had really good buys.

"Lovin AJ since 1990"
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« Reply #123 on: November 28, 2009, 07:25:51 am »

Hi folks just enough time to pop in and say hi the weather has been really bad over here rain rain and more rain floods in south west have claimed two lives and caused millions of pounds worth of damage
getting on with my christmas shopping just a few more to get helped to decorate the christmas tree on the ward i am working on yesterday seemed to cheer some of the patients up
can you all believe its been a year since i started my training times just passing so quickly you all have a great weekend and be good if you carn't be good be careful lol
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« Reply #124 on: November 28, 2009, 10:36:14 am »

Hi A J Fans.  It is Saturday Morning and right now it is quite cloudy and about 6 degrees C.  I can only be on here for a bit because I have housework, laundry and a bit of running around to do for Christmas shopping.  I have all my Christmas decorations up.  I did all that a week or more ago.  It looks nice and festive in my house.  Now I have to do my Christmas shopping.  I am also working on my A.J. Scrapbook, which I think I am about halfway.   There is just not enough hours in a day to get everything done.  I have to go see one of my nieces today.  She is turning 15 years old.   I hope everyone has a great day and we will talk to you all soon.

AM - "Keep Livin' On Love - Canada

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« Reply #125 on: November 28, 2009, 11:47:36 pm »

Hi Elaine and Harriet   Well I know you tell me to stay warm and I try. Tues I went shopping with my son. It was cold and nasty out. I got cold and my legs were so cold that on the way to the front door my bad leg gave way and I fell. My son helped me up and all I keep saying to him is thank you and to God thank you for no broken bones. Then it's the same ice the knees and bend them. I was using my cane because 3 weeks ago I fell inside of my house and it took me half an hour to get up. I have had osteoarthritis in both knees since 1996 and sometimes the knees give out. I still went to my other sons house with the son who picked me up and we had a good time.  I hope everyone of the AJ fans had a good Thanksgiving also.  See Kathy I can't take shopping for to long myself. Jean thank you for remembering me in your post. I will be a good girl and stay in now that I have the heat on just right, which I didn't when I fell 3weeks ago.  Take Care  nelle
« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 10:35:59 am by nelle » Logged

Faith, Hope and Love are some good things HE gave us and the greatest is Love.      WWY 
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« Reply #126 on: November 30, 2009, 08:52:19 am »

Sorry to hear of your fall, Nelle.  I hope you are feeling better. 

I'm another who is thankful for the AJ Fans, we become like family here.

Elaine, hope your weather is warmer.  We have had beautiful sunny weather.  Rain is predicted later today. 

We went up to my oldest daughter's for Thanksgiving.  It was so foggy driving up it took a little longer.  Then cleared off about a half hr. from her house.  She lives about 4 l/2 hrs. away.  We left early Thursday morning, then came back home in time to watch the Clemson/SC game at my son's.  Clemson lost, are they playing GA Tech Saturday, Harriet?  They better play better than they did against SC.  I watched sports whenever the t.v. was on, but other than the Clemson game, I was reading.  Finished reading a good book by Jan Karon that my daughter had given me last Christmas.  Shepard's Abiding, a good Christmas book and easy read.

Got my counter tops and new cabinets in on Wednesday before we left.  I still have to re-arrange the cabinets. 

Caz, I had seen the news about the flooding in Great Britain.  Hope the weather is better now and I'm sure the Christmas tree did cheer up the patients.  Good luck with your training.  You'll be finished before you know it.

Just wanted to say hi to y'all, better get busy around here........

Loving That Alan Jackson in South Carolina!
Cause life's a dance don't ya know
That's it, there you go

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« Reply #127 on: November 30, 2009, 11:13:03 am »

                           Sharron our Florida Gators won and Alabama is the next for the scc championship.. I hope to go
                           to Nashville for a wedding on Jan.2   ..Sure hope no ice or snow...that week...

"Lovin AJ since 1990"
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« Reply #128 on: November 30, 2009, 02:58:03 pm »

Harriet it has been to warm for snow and
suppose to get warmer.
BHR glad everything turned out well for
Dizzy I am the same way.The shoppers don't
bother me but having to stand inline to pay
drives me crazy.
Caz sorry to hear your getting so much rain.
The year has flown bye for me to.
Nelle sorry you had a fall.Like you I am so afraid of falling
with my low bone density.
Was busy all weekend.Spent Saturday Christmas
shopping with my daughter.

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« Reply #129 on: November 30, 2009, 06:32:12 pm »

Hi Elaine- Canadiangirl.  Have you received your Fall Newsletter yet?  I am trying to find out if any other canadians have not gotten  theirs.  I know of one so far. 

AM - "Keep Livin' On Love - Canada

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« Reply #130 on: November 30, 2009, 07:58:39 pm »

Sharon and Elaine thank you so much for your concern about my fall.  I am much better and I am also thankful for the ALAN fans.       I am glad all is okay for the both of you.   Stay warm and safe.     Take Care       nelle

Faith, Hope and Love are some good things HE gave us and the greatest is Love.      WWY 
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« Reply #131 on: November 30, 2009, 09:02:55 pm »

Hello everyone,

We had a nice Thanksgiving, the kids came down from Northern California.  We had 10 here for dinner.  It was a beautiful day but turned cold and windy on Friday.  Even had snow, hail, rain, and wind all night.  It's been cold ever since but it's suppose to be warmer tomorrow.  We only have a wood burning stove for heat but it does a good job, just hard to keep it a steady temp, either too hot or too cold it seems.

Nelle, so sorry to hear about your falls.  Sure hope you take care of yourself and stay warm.  You are so lucky and blessed not to have broken anything. 

Dizzy hope there is nice weather for your travels to Nashville in Jan.  I hate the waiting in line too!!

Elaine, any snow at your place yet?

Sharon, sounds like quite a day traveling for you.  You won't want to mess up your nice new kitchen.  Hope to see it this year.  A friend of Brian's went to visit family in Vegas for the holiday weekend and it took them 8 hours to get home due to traffic.  It's normally about a 3 hour drive.

Caz, hope you get better weather soon.  I'm sure the patients enjoy the decorations.

BHR, read your Thanksgiving day adventure.  Hope they were able to get it all fixed for you today.

Harriet, there's more cold weather headed your way as we had horrible weather the past couple days. 

Hello to anyone I missed.  Been busy with school work, end of semester stuff.  Haven't done much Christmas shopping yet, just not into it yet.

Hope everyone is healthy, or getting healthy, and stays warm and dry.

Livin' On Love in California
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« Reply #132 on: November 30, 2009, 09:53:52 pm »

Hello Friends. It has been cold & rainy all day but we got in a trip to Wal-Mart & I did pretty well. Tomorrow we are going to the Mall again & hopefully finish most of our shopping. I am doing very well & have almost quit coughing. I was so thankful this year to get my good health back.

Terry- Sorry it is so cold there. Brrrrr! I hear those wood stoves do a very nice job. We use space heaters to keep from turning up the thermostat so high when it's cold.

Nelle- So sorry about your fall. I know it was distressing for you. I can relate, Nelle. Hugs.

Elaine- the crowds bother me because it gets so hot with all those people in the mall. Waiting in line is very hard too.

Dizzy- Good luck in the SEC Championship.

Sharon- I saw part of the Clemson-S.C. game. Then I saw my GA Tech team lose to UGA in the state rivalry. Yes, Clemson & GA Tech play Saturday for the ACC Championship.We'll be watching.

Anita- bet your house looks beautiful.

Caz- your floods came from Hurricane Ida which went across the pond & flooded the U.K. Good luck in school.

BHR- If GA Tech wins the ACC championship they will play in the Orange Bowl. Last Sat. GT's defense went to sleep against UGA & we lost. I hope they can right that situation or we will lose to Clemson;they have a powerful offense. Fingers crossed for my team.
Oh- My- Texas is pretty good- hope you can win.

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« Reply #133 on: December 01, 2009, 02:55:13 pm »

Anita martina I have not got my newsletter.I
never expect it until at least a month or more
before the U.S. gals gets theirs.
Nelle so glad your doing much better now.Falling
is scary.I think that is why I hate the winter months
so much.
Terry sorry to hear it is so cold there.I loved the heat
from the wood stove.For some reason it just feels so much
warmer.No snow s far.The ski hill has had enough that they
are open.
Harriet so glad your cough is nearly gone.This year the crowds
have bothered me because I think of swine flu when I am out.
It was only 25 this morning.Getting warmer now that the
sun is out.

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« Reply #134 on: December 01, 2009, 05:32:51 pm »

Thanks Elaine for the reply.

AM - "Keep Livin' On Love - Canada

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