
Posts: 2
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2010, 06:06:54 pm » |
This is probley the best news to date we have been awaiting this news since i first heard AJ CD we will be hoping for front row seats here in Brisbane :)Thank You very much to all promoters involved to make this wonderful piece of history come true for so many of Alan Jackson fans who have been awaiting this day for many years my family are over the moon about it when my youngest son seen the ad on CMC he said dont know why they showing that it never happen herebut when he seen it was for here he just said book them tickets mum he lives 6hrs away from Brisbane in small country town but already so over the moon
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2010, 08:17:05 pm » |
emailstoamber I have always had great seats from the fan club - usually within the first 4 rows. Here they have seats in rows 2-25 for fan club members for 7 days when tickets go on sale. If you get online when the tickets go on sale you should have great seats too. About 2 weeks after you buy your ticket you get an email that you can respond to to find out where your seats are. I am so excited for all of you that Alan is going to Australia!!!!!
Thanks so much for that information - really appreciate it! I'm SO excited!!!
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2010, 09:25:28 pm » |
emailstoamber I have always had great seats from the fan club - usually within the first 4 rows. Here they have seats in rows 2-25 for fan club members for 7 days when tickets go on sale. If you get online when the tickets go on sale you should have great seats too. About 2 weeks after you buy your ticket you get an email that you can respond to to find out where your seats are. I am so excited for all of you that Alan is going to Australia!!!!!
Thanks so much for that information - really appreciate it! I'm SO excited!!! Sorry, I have another question: do you buy the tickets on this website?
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2010, 09:57:51 pm » |
I have always gotten my tickets through the fan club. Like BHR said, on the day and time listed for the tickets to go on sale for you, they will be listed on the Preferred Seating section of this website. Good luck and enjoy!!!
"But old Tennessee and me couldn't take Texas out of her"

Posts: 2
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2010, 10:41:34 pm » |
So Excited  Thanks so much for all your help, buying tickets through fan clubs are new for us aussies, doesn't happen over here that often and i know it was stressful for Tim McGraw  Does anyone know what time on Friday they go on sale?
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2010, 11:19:35 pm » |
I have always gotten my tickets through the fan club. Like BHR said, on the day and time listed for the tickets to go on sale for you, they will be listed on the Preferred Seating section of this website. Good luck and enjoy!!!
Hi, AJTexasfan! You beat me to it. . .LOL!
Emailstoamber, just to add to everything that AJTexasfan has well explained to you, be ready to login on this website a few minutes before the tickets pre-sale time starts, go to the TOUR page and click on PREFERRED Seating next to the name of the venue you're purchasing your tickets for. Everything should be self explanatory from there. If the Preferred Seating link doesn't work the first time, just keep on trying as it may be that it's not set up yet. One thing you all have in your favor, the sale time set for you is at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. For us here, being we're about 14 hours behind your country, that would be 10pm (Pacific Time), 12am (Central Time) and 1am (Eastern Time), depending on which time zone you are living at. In my case it's 1am. The ticket sale time is set on Central time zone as that's where Nashville,Tennessee, the fan club office's home, time zone location is. I may be up to assist you all anyway I can if you run into any problems. You can either post your questions here or send me a personal message (PM). Good Luck and Enjoy The Concert!

Posts: 2
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2010, 11:44:45 pm » |
How amazing is it that Alan is coming to Australia??? Such a HUGE country fan base down over here. I will travel as far as it takes to get to a concert. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to see him live! Will have to shout my mum a ticket and the flights! 

Posts: 1
« Reply #37 on: September 27, 2010, 12:21:20 am » |
So excited Alan is coming to Austrailia BUT very dissapointed he not coming to WA. We have HUGE countrty fans over here - please concider comming over!!!!!!! Will have to get online and keep an eye out for cheap airfares over East..... xxx

Posts: 2
« Reply #38 on: September 27, 2010, 12:35:11 am » |
Excited is not the word! All I can say is the pic of my pet Roo with her buddy the cat must have worked! *L* I emailed it to Alan in an effort to "entice" him over here and it looks like "Missy" and "Pudit" have contributed. Alan will be overwhelmed at his fan base here. People will travel from far and wide to see him = I'm one of those people! Thanks for comin' Alan

Posts: 5
« Reply #39 on: September 27, 2010, 12:39:05 am » |
Hello to everyone, Australia and US
This news is better than sliced bread, for all of you who have followed Alan since he began his career will know he just keeps getting better. I hope we have enough fans in Oz who will go and see him. I wish everyone good luck with the meet-and-greet chance, just hope they give away more than one. He will be a sight for all eyes to enjoy. Stay in touch fans. dig (Gail). Hi There Gail When I received my e-mail yesterday from the Fan Club been a member for quite a few years I was on cloud nine I am taking my Mum she is 81 years old when I rang her yesterday she said yes,yes,yes!!!!!! God love her she is my best friend hubby does not mind he just pays for it. Come on March the 4th we will fly over from Tasmania that morning & spend a couple of nights in Melbourne. I have got every one of his cd's and 2 signed ones.
« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2010, 03:23:52 am » |
Hi Aussie fans, here is another Dutch fan who's planning on going Down Under.. I love Australia and I have some family members live there.. I'm going to the Brisbanes ones, whooo hooo 2 nights of Alan.. I think I might call my brothers in Sydney and Perth about this..
I'm really happy for you guys.. 
« Reply #41 on: September 27, 2010, 03:32:44 am » |
BHR for me it would be 6 A.M early Friday morning.. ( to purchase the tickets ) Brisbane is 8 hrs ahead of us here in the Netherlands.. Can't wait!!!!

Posts: 1
« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2010, 03:51:44 am » |
hi all does anyone know if Alan will be preforming at CMC Rocks The Hunter, I have heard roumours, can anyone confirm.

Posts: 45
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2010, 04:07:23 am » |
Hi all, I'm back, I'm back! (Hi Honey, I'm home......) Great to see some familiar 'faces' posting here. I've thought about you guys all heaps since I last dropped in to say hi. A thousand thank yous to all my friends who sent me emails over the last few days alerting me to the fact that Alan is FINALLY coming to sing for us Down Under. This is a dream come true - and just when I'd given up on the hope that he'd EVER get here. Count me in! Sydney, here I come. 

Posts: 2
« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2010, 06:02:07 am » |
:-*My Mums birthday is 7/3/2010!!! how appropiate that Alan Jackson is on Aussie Soil that day!! (Where will you be when the World Stops and........ Welcomes Alan Jackson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!