« on: September 15, 2010, 12:23:45 pm » |
I just saw this today. Tickets do not go on sale until September 17th. October 5th is on a Tuesday. I am going to try to go. Lots of performers, including Keith Urban, Vince Gill, Miranda Lambert, Martina McBride, Charley Pride, Alison Krauss and Billy Currington. YeeHaw...sounds like a great time!
Brenda in Indy "Life is a journey, not a destination"
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 01:33:42 pm » |
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2010, 03:53:37 pm » |
well it looks like I waited too long today to try and get tickets. The only ones left are in the nose bleed seats. My husband refuses to go unless we have great seats. I will check back periodically, just in case. The VIP packages are thousands of dollars. Too much for me.
Brenda in Indy "Life is a journey, not a destination"
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2010, 07:44:59 pm » |
Is this show going to be televised live or recorded for a future time?
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2010, 11:42:22 pm » |
Oh mY! the tickets have gone quickly. Like you, my husband refuses to sit back up high, he really can't see well They must have sold out immediately.
I would like to see Alan this Year, my walking isn't the best after my fall. I hope some of you get to go and wish you luck w/tickets.. Congrats if you go! Jerrie-MS
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 12:00:05 pm by Jeri_MS »
I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo! Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan! 
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2010, 06:31:03 pm » |
I posted about this on Sept 5, (I think that was the date) but I thought it was going to be an A. J. concert only, until I read more about it. I wanted to go until I found out the fan club wasn't selling tickets. Now I don't want to go I don't like nose bleed seats either. I have gotten spoiled having good seats when I go see A. J.
"Gone Country" From KY
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2010, 06:40:23 am » |
I have been checking it out too. Was thinking of the VIP seats before they went on sale, but haven't gone any further, I'll just have to be content with the N. Charleston show, Lord willing.
Loving That Alan Jackson in South Carolina!Cause life's a dance don't ya know That's it, there you go
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2010, 07:33:59 pm » |
I have been checking it out too. Was thinking of the VIP seats before they went on sale, but haven't gone any further, I'll just have to be content with the N. Charleston show, Lord willing.
Sharon, I hope we have tickets, it's with the Venue and they mail them out next day..If they are no good after driving there, my husband will be so angry, me too. WE managed to get floor, I do hope we can see well, haven't been to this venue. His appnt for surgery is later and planned to get out and enjoy. He feels better than before and I can help drive.It's my Birthday shhh and our Anniversary this month too!!, so might as well spend it with all the Singers we love..I hope to see Alan close..I hope he does the new ones I haven't heard.. I had rather him be alone in a way, but hey! how often do you get to see Our Alan, Dolly, Urban, Vince Gill, Miranda L.. Billly Currington, Martina McBride.Allison Krauss and maybe more. Some of the BEST, my opinion. Oh yes! John Mayer too. and Charlie Pride! Never seen him.. Maybe Zac Brown Band will show up and sing w/Alan, that would be great!!!!!!!or Jimmy Buffett! Our tickets being so high, makes me really appreciate the Fan Club even More..But if it goes for the Hall of Fame, it's worth the extra.. we stay near the best restaurants LOL our room is not the Hilton but comfy..who cares for one or two long as it's clean..
Sharon, you guys should go too, But since you will see Alan soon ,I understand. This venue is big but does anyone know if it's comfortable and if you sit or stand where the floor seats are..Let me know if possible please..I'm a wreck thinking about will my husband get ill To drive, here at the Hall, so we can make it to see our Alan and the rest..Looking forward to seeing him, as we were in the hospital when he came through FL.. Alan look to your stage left ok and we will be waving LOL like he's going to see US in that huge crowd..I may
Say prayers for us and hope we all make it fine after traveling so far..Our daughter stays here in our house..
Harriet prayers for You & Dizzy your Sis too. God Bless us all and keep us safe, Jerrie-MS
Terry wish you could come..but that's really far for this. I prefer seeing Alan and getting a M&G. BTW has ANYONE heard anything from Terry recently, I hope and pray she is fine, miss her.she is probably working like Sue. If you read this Terry, take care and I hope you are fine.
My new phone ring is "As She's Walking Away", not sure how I changed it LOL Yeah! we're going to see Alan! if we get the tickets at least..Oh I hope so reserved tickets, ordered online and they come from Ticketmaster.Always them or Alan's FC before. Really appreciate the FC even more now. They make it os easy for us and quiet a good price too! I appreciate it.Say a little prayer for us...Get well Everyone , Nelle I hope you are fine too. Jerrie-MS
PS-I got tickets delivered by Fed-X whew! Thank God! Tammy good luck if you get to go!! Be safe! Jerri
« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 08:06:28 am by Jeri_MS »
I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo! Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan! 
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2010, 09:29:47 pm » |
So many good shows I can't attend because I'm still working....Someday.
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2010, 07:59:13 am » |
Jeri, I'm sure the tickets will be fine. After I checked the price on VIP, I decided to wait on this one. Enjoy! I know you and your hubby will have a great time. Plus get to see the grandkids too!
Loving That Alan Jackson in South Carolina!Cause life's a dance don't ya know That's it, there you go
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2010, 09:52:32 am » |
Thanks AJfan, I know the chart and area well but has ANYONE been to that Venue? Please write me a message and tell me if it's Enclosed in that part 6th floor area or if they stand in the floor area or SEATS. we have been to the Ryman many times and to the shops but never in this part where the Concerts are.. Thanks for sending the CHART AJfan, appreciate it.. explain what the place is like exactly, in the Floor section if you have been there. You might write a message if you like to my name. It sure would help us out a lot..Thanks! Jerrie.. Getting over anxious about seeing Alan & the StrayHorns. This is the only way we can hope to see him this year. Thanks Jerrie Sue sorry you can't go, would love to see you! I Uderstand when you are working etc.. I hope you are doing fine, my Sister had two checks this time about her cancer and Thank God, it's still ok..
I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo! Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan! 
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2010, 05:47:11 pm » |
I've never been in this arena, but by it. It is downtown Nashville. There still aren't any good seats available, unless I look at a different ticket selling option. I have never done that so not sure how reputable they are.
Brenda in Indy "Life is a journey, not a destination"
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2010, 10:38:09 am » |
I want to go to this event so bad. Did you get your tickets from the link on Alan's tour site, or from a ticket broker? I saw 2 seats available for the floor last week but it was through ticketliquidators. They were just a bit higher than from the main ticket site, but I didn't know if I could trust that site. Let me know please. Thanks!
Brenda in Indy "Life is a journey, not a destination"