« on: April 10, 2010, 04:19:22 pm » |
I can't believe no one has posted a review about last night's concert. We left and headed North right after the concert. We had reservations in Lake City and got there about 2:30 this morning. Got up at 8 and on the road by 9. Traffic was HORRIBLE from Macon all the way to the 675. The 400 wasn't bad, just the off ramp. We have been listening to Alan's radio station, "Freight Train Radio" since yesterday, and it is AWESOME, and made the drive a whole lot better. Sure wish he would keep it. Last night's concert was again a spectacular event. Alan wore a light green western shirt. At one point during the unplugged segment he was talking and said, "Now what were we doing?", giggled, looked down at his play list and said, "Oh yeah". It was really cute when he said he thought he had finally caught that neon rainbow after doing a part of the song. It was great seeing Dizzy and Mazey again and meeting the lady and her mom next to me. We got to the stage after doing the GOOD TIME signs. We let Kolby (the girl that Alan gave the guitar to 3 years ago) come up to our seats since they were in one of the back sections. She gave Alan a bunch of roses with pictures of her with the guitar and her dog named "Jackson". Alan said, "Where's my signs?" when it was time for the GOOD TIME signs the second time. Another great night, and off to another great night tonight.
Livin' On Love in California
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2010, 04:45:28 pm » |
So happy you enjoyed it. Sue did tell us her daughter did let her listen to Alan sing. Sounds like a Great Concert, from what she told Sue, The Best Ever!
Alan really counts on the Signs huh. The concert sounds like the BEST.. I am so sad I could not go..
Thanks for a great Review! I have been waiting for you ha! Sounds like a great Concert.So glad you saw Dizzy and Mazie! Who got the M & G? Did Alan sign for anyone? How long did Alan sing , Did he have openers?
Terry remember it is spring breakers on the hwys now and traffic is bad.. When you come up I-95... You take I-10 going west ,to 475 going N. around Macon, This merges I-75 again . Stay on I-75 Until Atlanta. This is the way we go to HotLanta! Less Traffic. Thanks so much! Jerrie Alan may get to see his Mother at Atlanta ! I hope BHR will find you guys and Harriet, they are all excited to see you guys! Sounds like nice weather but cool tonight, so better wear a jacket.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 05:34:40 pm by Jeri_MS »
I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo! Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan! 
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2010, 05:58:27 pm » |
Thanks, Terry! I've been listening to XM all day.......so great! Alan OVERLOAD is a GOOD THING!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2010, 08:22:00 pm » |
It was such a wonderful concert Alan pull out all the bells and whistles[sp] he talked more than ever at a concert and the show was 2hrs long and he played 31 songs what a nite...Really good show there were a lot of people standing in front of the stage most of the nite...I saw Terry ,Lindalu..and friend we were so busy talking so much fun...Saw Terry after the show and she gave me list of songs that were played it was a fun show and a fun time for all..I really had a big weekend was visiting with my neice and we had brunch --lunch today and did a little shopping and got some pic developed will try to put them on the board also...

« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2010, 08:44:53 pm » |
I think Alan must like playing at that UCF venue. Or else he was really happy to see you there, Dizzy.
I can see me loving you forever ~ I can feel my arms around your life ~ I can taste your lips against my memory Listen to your senses, what they have to say. 
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2010, 09:16:58 pm » |
Thanks for the reviews Terry and Dizzy. I felt a small part of the show. Dizzy and my daughter called so I got to hear a couple of songs. From the background noise, the crowd seemed energetic and into Alan's music. It was the first Alan concert, I didn't get to hear with my daughter. My daughter was so cute, she was singing along with Alan "Where I Come From" and added Mom I Love You a few times. I'm so pumped for Chicago! Hope he continues with the long concerts!
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2010, 10:41:08 pm » |
Great time, sounds like ! I'm so glad you got to go and see Terry, and the others. Sounds like Alan really had a good Concert! Did Josh Turner open for him? I didn't hear anyone say..we always want to know about Alan don't we ha! Alan seems so happy. Don't forget to watch Alan in the AM at 9 on A & E ! It sounds like it will run for an hour. I think we get it on channel 47 cable..here.. not sure.. Dizzy sounds like you had fun with your neice, doing brunch etc.. I wanted to see Alan so bad, but hubby isn't up to it yet. The bus was where Everyone could see it, I knew it would be. Brooks and Dunn parked their trucks out front, when they were there. Did you get a photo by the Truck Dizzy? ha! Strange that I walked right by Alan's Black Bus in Nashville and my husband didn't tell me & I didn't see it.this was a while back. Alan could have been in there too ha! It was at the Ryman when he introduced "Good Time" I always have my photo made by anyone I talk to or Trucks lol. Thanks for posting about the Concert , sorry I could not go.. Take care Dizzy and rest up, Jerrie
I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo! Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan! 
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2010, 02:30:38 pm » |
Terry & Dizzy, thanks for the reviews.
Belgian#1 Fan
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2010, 07:20:15 pm » |
Terry and dizzydean thank you for your great reviews. It is such a treat to hear about the concrets and that ALAN is happy when you can't go yourself. Take Care nelle
Faith, Hope and Love are some good things HE gave us and the greatest is Love. WWY 
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2010, 07:43:53 pm » |
I've enjoyed reading the reviews of AJ's concert. Sounds as if everyone enjoys when Alan sits and sings and talks to the audience.
I'm sitting here waiting for Chicago. Will have to redo my GOOD TIME signs. I still have the ones from last years contest. I have a friend who has a business where she made me a few AJ pictures that I can roll up ~ their made on a shade. Best Christmas present!
Suem and others, I hope I get to meet a few of the ladies from the forum. Drive safely!
(((World peace))), Judy
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2010, 10:22:43 am » |
Terry and Dizzy, great reviews.. thanks for sharing...
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2010, 02:08:02 pm » |
Dizzy and Terry thanks for sharing your reviews with us. Elaine

Posts: 1
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2010, 02:12:01 pm » |
Terry, Thanks for letting Kolbi sit with the GOOD TIME Girls, she LOVED it. It was such a Great night I loved how Alan sat and made the concert more personal. I tried to get Forrest to dance with me durning Remember When. Had a great spot behind us. Kolbi was thrilled to get poster & shirt sgined. Hope AJ got the pictures she gave him. Then she also got pictures with Mark & of coarse Monty. Hope your sholder is doing ok Terry LOL, I can't believe you put her on your sholder. Thanks also to Louann & Debbie for making it a GREAT night for our little girl. Kodee