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Author Topic: February Thread-Drop by & visit  (Read 65625 times)
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« Reply #45 on: February 13, 2010, 08:08:40 am »



Belgian#1 Fan
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« Reply #46 on: February 13, 2010, 05:00:30 pm »

happy febuary to all of you hope everyone is well and making sure they are keeping warm still very cold over here take care all caz
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« Reply #47 on: February 13, 2010, 10:08:12 pm »

Thank You Jean  Thank You Jean  Thank You Jean  Thank You Jean

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« Reply #48 on: February 14, 2010, 04:31:17 pm »

Thanks Jean/B!!! that was so very nice to You!

I hope everyone is ok and enjoying the Olympics etc.. so sad with the  death early on. But looks great and a great show!
I have a pulled shoulder, the reason I haven't been online. I had to get this and my husband has to have his procedure or biopsy this week too. So never much good news lately.I hope his tests turn out fine. he is feeling better but not as strong as before. He will be fine I'm sure.
My family came over this weekend and I could not even cook dinner for them. I did manage to feed them however.. They spent the night it was raining and much too cold to go home so late.

Sure hope all of you are enjoying the ones participating in the Olympics..I love Apollo!  I hope you are are well healthwise and Terry , I hope your work is turning out ok..So many in this situation here. I hope everyone has been fine and enjoying
life. It has been so cold here in sunny Florida and lasting too long. So Sue, I can see why you might want to move here !
This has lasted longer than usual for us. a city near us had snow even..
Dizzy, I hope you & your Sis are ok too. we were going to MS but the snow was too bad in AL & MS to travel before hubby's surgery..
Harriet, I thought of you w/snow in  GA, I'm sure my neice had snow, you know where I told you she lives.I hope you are ok and all of you . I can't wait to see that Alan will have some dates we can go to later least. Can't miss FLORIDA Alan please.. or MS or anywhere we can travel. Terry hope you can see Alan at least some this year. it's difficult with your work etc.. Take care Everyone and wishing all you AJ Fans a very Happy Valentine's Day!
Enjoy, Take care to all , I can't type much for my shoulder ouch!
 "Be sweet" , Jerrie-FL-MS

« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 11:48:08 am by Jeri_MS » Logged

I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo!
Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan!
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« Reply #49 on: February 14, 2010, 05:59:01 pm »

 Hello All!
Trying to get caught up on all the goings on here.
Haven't been here in awhile.

Also trying to figure out the board.

Tuff keeping up when the home computer is out of commission.
Hope to fix that soon though.

Gonna go try and match screen names to real names.

Also, looking for
Corbin,Lexington,Knoxville or more dates
in my area to pop up on the tour schedule.

Happy February 14th to All!!
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« Reply #50 on: February 14, 2010, 10:08:33 pm »

Just wishing you all a very HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY!!!!!

Will be back here another day for some news.

Take care all, get well and healthy soon and BIG HUGS.


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« Reply #51 on: February 15, 2010, 02:27:24 pm »

Welcome back, wabbit. I remember you.

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« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2010, 02:57:25 pm »

Hi Y'all,
Hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day.  Hubby & I exchanged cards. 
My daughter and grand daughter made it to DC without any problems.  They are supposed to be back tonight.  I haven't heard since they started playing on Saturday.  It is an international tournament.  Angela said the snow up there was unbelievable! 
We had snow Friday night, about 5 inches, but it was gone by Saturday afternoon.  Did I take any pictures for y'all?  Of course not! 
Good to see you posting Terry.  I'm hoping for some concerts near me this year.  My next adventure is going to see the Jersey Boys with some friends in Charlotte.
Thanks for the Valentine Greeting Jean.
Y'all have a good Monday!  I've been watching some of the Olympics. 

Loving That Alan Jackson in South Carolina!
Cause life's a dance don't ya know
That's it, there you go

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« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2010, 03:08:24 pm »

Jeri will pray your tests all go well.
Sorry to hear about yor shoulder.
Wabbit so nice to have you back posting.
Sharon hope the girls have a great
Never got online all weekend.Had Jess here.
We kept busy.Did watch the Olympic opening.
Teresa and Jay were kept busy with two
sports for Kelsey this weekend.She had baskteball
and they won the valleys now they go to the
provincials in two weeks.She also was playing
volley ball .They came in third.Glad I wasn't
Teresa having to run from one town to another
all weekend.

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« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2010, 07:13:55 pm »

Hello All!
Also, looking for
Corbin,Lexington,Knoxville or more dates
in my area to pop up on the tour schedule.

Wabbit,I'm Jeri from FL, my name before was ArtsyJ.. it's good to see you back in here. I miss so many like Paula etc..
 so sorry for your computer problems, good to see you back posting. Alan seems to be doing mostly festivals
but I hope he comes around Nashville area too, or Florida. anywhere close is fine with me that we can drive. That is if my husband is well enough & myself. Alan will most likely fill in other dates later on as time goes by. He has a great run in Canada!  Elaine I wish you could have seen him and I hope you & your family are fine. Thanks for the well wishes..
Canada is so lovely, I've been watch the Olympics some..The girl with the leg  problem, bleeding muscle I think. She was to contend Tuesday,I believe, I hope she makes it ok. Elaine so proud for Canada to get their first Gold at their own Country! I watch when I feel up to it . Hubby recorded it , may watch it later too.
wabbit, I hope you get to see Alan, I got to meet him in 2009 and will never forget it! He is so super nice!
Take care all of you AJ Fans, Jerrie-FL-MS
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 11:50:12 am by Jeri_MS » Logged

I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo!
Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan!
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« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2010, 12:40:27 pm »

Hi everyone  I hope all is okay.  Thank you Leslie, Elaine and Harriet for your get well wishes and prayers.  I hope you feel better Harriet.   Thank you JeanB and everyone else for their Valentine wishes.  I hope JeanB that you and your wife had a great Valentine and that she is doing great.    Welcome WAbbit101.       Hi Elaine It is still snowing here. Would you like some for Georgie?   I think I remember you saying he likes the snow.    Take Care  Everyone     nelle

Faith, Hope and Love are some good things HE gave us and the greatest is Love.      WWY 
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« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2010, 02:24:46 pm »

Jeri I have been enjoying watching the
Olympics .Usually watch them in the
Nelle Georgie loves the snow.I don't as
I have to shovel for him.This year I haven't
had to shovel any snow.
We have been getting rain all morning.Can't complain
as we need the moisture to make up for the lack of

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« Reply #57 on: February 16, 2010, 09:32:36 pm »

Jeri, I hope everything goes well for both you and your hubby. Prayers are being sent to both of you.

Nelle, Sorry to hear of your illness. Prayers are being sent your way too.

Harriet, I didn't think we're going to get doused with snow again. . .I was wrong. Glad, though, that they're all gone. Looking forward to spring and summer already myself.

Elaine, wish we could watch all the segments of the Olympics competitions broadcated on tv, but, we've been so busy doing things and couldn't stay up late at night as we're so tired and all. We've only seen the skating pairs competion, so far. However, we did watch the opening ceremony and made sure not to miss that one.

Wabbit, good to see you posting again. I'm one of the girls from the previous board(s) too but I can't tell you what my previous username was because I'm trying to protect my identity for personal reason and it will reveal it.

JeanB, thanks for the polls. That was a lot of fun. Alan have so many great songs it's hard to pick just a few. On my hubby's Lasik eye surgery, yes, you're correct. The eye surgeon put non-prescription soft contact lens on his eyes. . .to prevent the flap from wrinkling while his eyes were healing. They have to be removed, however, after one folded in half while he was asleep the night after the procedure. Hope your wife's eyes are doing better now. . .no more pain.

Terry, I echo what everyone here have said. Prayers for you and your family too, that everything goes well for all of you. And, I, too hope that you will still be able to go to some of Alan's concerts this year. Do miss your reviews also.

Kathy, WOW! Snow then earthquake! Not a good combination. Glad you're ok.

Well, the last month or so for us has been filled with not so good news and god news. Along with my SIL having a mild heart attack, we have had other family members who had their share of illnesses and one who will be undergoing surgery next week. And there's othier things too that I can't discuss here about.

On the good news, hubby gave me couple of advance Valentine's Day presents, one of which came very much as a surprise to me (he said that is for my birthday, our aniversay and Christmas this year too. . .LOL!). The first one was the flowers. . .red tulips and violets combo with red vase. He said he had to order it early as it was on special. I told him he could still had it delivered on Valentine's Day. He said, "Are you complaining?" Nope! :-)

The other one hubby gave me was a new ASUS laptop computer. My HP has caused me so much frustrations from number of problems it started to have about a year ago. Then the battery went completely non-functional (can't be recharged). The computer is still working plugged-in but the battery has to be removed in order for it to work with minimal disruption. So he ordered me this new one from a reputable ASUS dealership online. It has cost him more than it would have had he bought from the store, but it was put together using my own specifications, which means that nothing in it, including software programs and hardwares, are not of any use to me. It's also much lighter than my HP.

Hubby celebrated his birthday, another milestone, yesterday (Monday) and he chose to celebrate it at Hooters restaurant.:-) So we went there. As we were about to finish eating one of the Hooters girls (our server) asked if there's anything else we need. I quietly mentioned to her about hubby's birthday and she gave him this what I'll call playful look and said, "Ooooooooooh, you're having a birthday!" Hubby said, "I don't like that look on your face," laughing. Few minutes later they put a chair in the middle of the dining room, handed him 2 small white paper cones to put on his mouth and hold with his teeth to look like a bird's beak and told him to stand on the chair. They then handed him couple of their small menus to hold on each hand and had him flap his arms like a bird on a flight as they chanted their birhtday greetings starting with, "Hey, everybody!" to get everyone's attention. LOL! He was so embarassed but enjoyed himself and promised me a payback on my birthday. Uh. . .oh! To be perfectly honest, that wasn't qiuite what both of us was expecting to happen and he was really game for the singing/chanting, just not quite that way. I had my camera with me but I was laughing so hard so the pictures didn't turn out as good as I had wanted. I'll forever remember this, but hubby will probably not even want to be reminded of it happening. :-)

On a last note, We're going back to Biloxi tomorrow to pick up the rest of our stuff that we left in a rental storage there. Hopefully, the snow there is gone too. We'll be back Thursday evening as I have an appointment early Friday morning for a bone scan (bone density exam). I'd best get off here and finish my packing. Take care all of you and get well soon to those of you who are not feeling well. HUGS!


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« Reply #58 on: February 19, 2010, 10:12:48 pm »

                 The new video is really good  and Alan  looks sharp in his new gray shirt
                  no holes in his jeans ...Handsome man

"Lovin AJ since 1990"
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« Reply #59 on: February 20, 2010, 07:41:26 am »

Dizzy, I agree that Alan looks sharp in the gray shirt for the new video, but I did see a few holes in his jeans.  I am ready for him start adding locations to the tour page so we can all start making plans to get to a concert!!

"But old Tennessee and me couldn't take Texas out of her"
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