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Author Topic: January Thread- Happy New Year  (Read 94668 times)
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« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2010, 03:41:38 pm »

Nelle we had a few days of weather in the
forties.Today it is back down in the 20(YUK.
Glad your snow didn't stay.
MY kids are going to have to get use to the
cold when they come home after two weeks
in the sun in Cuba.

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« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2010, 10:17:01 pm »

Don't have time for a full post but just to let you guys know it is freezing Hotlanta & we are getting snow tomorrow in Georgia above I-20 & that includes most of Atlanta & points North. We have our provisions & are ready.

Kicks Country in Atlanta is playing It's Just That Way- I heard it tonight.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 10:19:00 pm by HariAJFan » Logged

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« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2010, 10:36:49 pm »

Soup making season has oficially begun! A different soup each weekend all winter long.   

Toledo is supposed to get 4-6" of snow starting at 4 pm Thursday - wrapping up around 4am Friday - no big deal but if it times out right the kids will get a 3 day weekend. I used to love it when my kids were younger and they got snow days!

 It was 29 here today - that is actually not too bad for us this time of year - some sun would be nice.  I have  a friend in Chicago who says they are getting 9-12" of snow there.  We had planned to go to the the lake, spend the weekend reading etc. and close the cottage - we usually do that in the fall but I wanted to wait this year to show my niece when she came before Christmas - (she hadn't seen it since the renovation was finished )- but we may not go if we get too much snow - my husband doesn't want to get snowed in up there - I think it would be fun but it doesn't pay the bills.   I am making vegetable soup for the weekend regardless of where we are and if we stay home our 3 oldest granddaughters will get to go sledding with Grampy, Daddy and Uncle Luke.  Can't lose no matter which way it     Try to stay warm my southern AJ friends!

"Be kinder than necessary for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"
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« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2010, 11:50:32 pm »

Just a quick note before I head for bed. . .been doing last minute laundry. . .my fault. :-) Belated HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010, everyone! We didn't have quite a good start of the new year but are doing better. Will post more about it another time.

Harriet, I hope the snow doesn't reach us over here. We need to grocery shop and we're doing it tomorrow (Thursday). Hubby been busy getting caught up with things at work and we've both been busy getting fully recovered from our illnesses that we seemed to be giving back and forth to each other and getting all the Christmas decorations down (been meaning to email you too. . .will do soon). It sure is freezing down here. It never gotten this cold that we can remember when we were still in Seattle. Heck, I've never worn a long johns until now! LOL! I'm dreaming of summer already. :-)

Stay, safe, warm and healthy, my AJ friends. Take care all and HUGS.


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« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2010, 12:00:14 am »

Hi to all,

Stay warm and safe all.  I know many of you are used to the snow and the frigid cold.
We are struggling to keep warm here.  Very expensive heating bills.
Hope all is well.


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« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2010, 02:26:20 pm »

Harriet saw on CNN this morning that you
were on weather watch.Hope you don't
get to much snow.
January the kids love snow they never
get them.We are so use to the snow.This year
has been strange as we have had very little snow.
BHR stay warm .
Sue you must be like us use to the snow and cold.
Today it is only 15.

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« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2010, 06:20:47 pm »

We are getting the snow!  It's been snowing steadily since last night and now we are getting lake effect snow from that big ole Lake Michigan.  We are supposed to have 10-14 inches here in SE Wisc by the time it's done.  I left work early today so I could drive home before it got dark.  I hate driving with these conditions in the dark.  They have just now starting to plow in my subdivision. 
My sons are headed home from Tucson, AZ today (of all days).  They are flying thru Denver.  Their Denver flight has already been cancelled & rescheduled twice.  They are now going from Denver to Dallas to Chicago.   Well if they get stuck in Dallas, they have an uncle who lives there and he already knows their plans.  Hopefully they will get home tonight. 

Trying to stay warm - hope everyone else is warm & safe!


Alan Jackson's songs touch our minds, our hearts, our souls.
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« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2010, 09:25:28 pm »

It's snowing in Atlanta.The deck & driveway are covered & there's some on the grass.

It's going down to 16 tonight & it will all freeze.

BHR-are you getting any of this?

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« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2010, 12:29:59 am »

Harriet, we got some of it here too. Hopefully, it doesn't stay for long. . .temp is supposed to go up some tomorrow. Hubby will have fun driving to work tomorrow. He might stay home instead. . .at least until the ice/snow on the car's windshield melts away and the windshield clears up. Our car's heater/AC fan quit couple of weeks ago. . .for the 5th time within the last couple or so months so the the defroster will not do any good. There are other things need fixing too that will cost us hundreds of dollars if we get them done. We optioned on buying another car instead. We'll be doing some car shopping this weekend, weather permitting.

I'm up late as we were watching the BCS National Championship game. Alabama did prove themselves to be the year's best team. Congrats on your team, Melanie!

Kathy and everyone here snow bound, please stay safe and warm.

Elaine, I'm staying warm and we all are. Thanks.

Take care everyone and HUGS.


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« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2010, 07:48:21 am »

You Guys may be used to the cold but Florida, I don't even have extra blankets ha! This week has been unusually cold
high 40's or so and low 20 one night. BHR, that is not normal for GA either I'm sure. It has been colder recently in the Southern States than in years.

My son called from Nashville and it was snowing. His wife has been to the mtns in TN where her mom has a timeshare &
they really enjoyed the snow. She took her son( from first marriage) with her to drive in the snow. My son sent me the cutest photos of the GB's in the snow sleds all wrapped up. They are never sick but they sure get out a lot in hte cold.

Now Kathy, I would hate to have ten inches of snow, wow that is awful. At least when you have that much normallly
the city is used to taking early care of the streets to travel, unfortunately in areas where there isn't much snow, they are not set up for snow on hwys as well.

MS has cold weather too now,so we wont be driving there soon. I need to go thank everyone who cared for mother etc..
 my sister who lives near Tampa is having cold weather like us and most of her whole house on the side where the pool is , is glass all around. Tampa produces strawberries and on the news here, they were trying to save their crops. I hope Louann is ok.
Take care everyone and I'm having a good Year this year, if I have to go to MS and stay a while. It will get better about Mom but thanks everyone for your thoughts. Jean/B thanks, I am woman, I am strong ha! I have a hubby who keeps me laughing , so that is good. It can get irritating when sick however. lol
Take care everyone and stay warm. Got to shop for more down coverlets or blankets or Duvets, just realized when this cold came , I don't even own a coat, just a all weather coat is all needed. I wear sweaters or pantsuits mostly & never need a coat here much.. gave  a fur away, never used it..
Kathy, be careful traveling and take a blanket with you in case you run off the road, make sure your cell phone is charged up..I'm playing mother hen again ha!  Take care to all, Jerrie-FL- & MS

PS-Elaine stay warm & Dizzy, Sue etc.. I hope Terry is ok, she hasn't posted, must be busy. I hope her job is ok & secure.
So many higher ups losing jobs now too. I can't get my hubby to retire but it's nice to save some money for the future too.
I can't say I look forward to being togteher all day lol He is messy and all I do is clean .
IThink I'll do like Sharon and wrap up and have hot chocolate or better yet, my wine came yesterday from Kix Brooks Vineyard, might drink it & listen to AJ.. LOL

I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo!
Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan!
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« Reply #25 on: January 08, 2010, 09:32:07 am »

I like the idea of wrapping up with some wine and listening to AJ all day.  Enjoy.  Leslie
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« Reply #26 on: January 08, 2010, 10:59:38 am »

Hello my Good AJ Friends.There is frozen snow all over the ground & we are pretty much housebound. I reaally like to stay home anyway & we have plenty of food.
After Christmas I joined the throngs of shoppers for only 1 item- a new iPod Nano-5th Generation. This tiny little thing plays music, videos & FM Radio. It has a pedometer & stopwach. It has a video camera.I can now do a lot of things with it sitting in my chair that I used to have to go to the computer to do. It was able to save about 500 of my thousand songs I had in my old 3rd generation. All the songs I purchased from iTunes were saved. I still have to download a lot of my albums which doen't cost anything. Alan is right. This new technology is a pretty good thing though I was slow to come around to it. Wouldn't want to go back in the technology area. It is amazing.

Sharon- we have watched a lot of football too. That loss in the Orange Bowl really stung the Tech Yellow Jackets- the pun is intended. lol. We still had a great season & now here comes College Basketball.

Kathy-I've heard lake effect snow is the heaviest kind. Bless you.

Elaine- It is warmer than normal out west & colder than normal in the rest of the country. Atlanta is 19 degrees below normal.

Sue- I imagine your heating bills are outa sight.

January- I love soup in cold weather

Nelle-you keep up with my radio station better than I
Hope you are able to stay warm.

Anita- I can't imagine -15, we are + 15.

JeanB- wish you were here to redo my wallpaper- I would give you money & some country albums. Hubby & I have never done wallpaper.

Dizzy- how nice you can build a fire.

Jeri- this cold weather is a real shocker for you. I understand how hard it is for you having lost your Mom - I have lost both of my parents. The passage of time does heal though I still miss them,esp during the holidsys.

BHR- So Newnan got snow. I can't believe it. This weather is highy unusual for the South.
Congrats to the Alabama Crmson Tide-National Champions in College Football.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 11:12:08 am by HariAJFan » Logged

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« Reply #27 on: January 08, 2010, 03:26:47 pm »

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« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2010, 07:23:14 pm »

Hi everyone Please stay warm and safe in this odd weather.  Elaine we are in a deep freeze. Harriet I do check your station and they do play IT'S JUST THAT WAY at different times which is good.  BHR I hope you find a car that you like.
Take Care everyone.   Hugs   nelle   

Faith, Hope and Love are some good things HE gave us and the greatest is Love.      WWY 
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« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2010, 02:06:54 pm »

It has been snowing in KY for the past 3 days, today it was 14 degrees, Thurs morning it was minus 12 degrees. Too cold for KY. At least the snow isn't sticking on the roads, but I think they have already put sand or salt on most of the roads.  it's strange how the snow is falling in tiny flakes.

My daughter is in FL and said it was around 40 degrees where she is located as of this morning.

I haven't been out since Tues. and that's not like me to stay at home this long.  I'm not going to complain as long as we don't have an ice storm like we did last January.

Everyone try to stay warm.


"Gone Country"  From KY
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