« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2014, 12:34:32 am » |
On the Nashville hall of fame concert its best to go on the hall of fame website the museum hall of fof to watch for info on the tickets for the October show.
Gone Country in Arkansas
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2014, 08:54:54 am » |
Thanks for responding, arkansas. As to the audience structure and pricing - no, that is incorrect. Alan has control on the audience configuration, not the venue. And I've been to many, many shows at Mohegan Sun. None of them have had standing pits.
I got a bug in my Margarita.....
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2014, 09:57:43 am » |
My daughter and I have 2 nd row seats for the Celebrate Virginia concert on the 23rd...I noticed there were also Pit tickets at the same price. I will be so disappointed if we can not see because of a group of people standing in the Pit....When did this start? I 've been to 4 concerts this past year and did not see this happening. Maybe it is the venues doing this?....Something definitely needs to be done! And, I just renewed my membership in the Fan Club !!! I will be in Nashville October 22 and had planned to try to get a ticket to AJ's performance at the CMHOF...... the presale starts on September 5. If I start having trouble seeing when I pay for premium seats, I am not going to be a happy fan!!!
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2014, 02:28:35 pm » |
Just my 2 cents here. I've been to Alan's concerts and a few others' since 1994 and had seen a lot of changes since at these concerts that is not exactly neither to my family, my AJ fan friends and my liking. Not trying to over simplify the problem at hand, but it's what comes with progress. . .or the ever popularity of country music and the concerts that goes with it. . .and financial greed (money talks). The PIT used to be for press and orchestra use at special events and was later opened for use at concerts as the demand for more tickets increased, which they aptly called progress. Yes, it is not fair and yes, something needs to be done about it. But, as frustrating as it is, let's not lay sole responsibility for this to the artist(s)...Alan...or assume that their fan club prez...Cindy...and staffs even have the knowledge to the whys of any arrangements being done at the venues. For the most part, artists do not make the FINAL decision to those arrangements (ticket pricing, seating, alcohol sale, etc.), with the exception of the stage. Whether you want to believe it or not, that is between their promoters, managements and, yes, the venues' managements (liability). Artists can and lets these 3 groups of people know their arrangement preferences for their shows, but they're not necessarily going to happen. Short of suggesting for fans to start a petition blog or boycotting venues with PIT section, I couldn't think of any other way to try to turn it back to the way it was.
Photochic, I don't know when this trend got started, but, my family and I were at Alan's concert back in 2010 at an amphitheater and were lucky enough to be seated on the third row at the PIT section. While some of us sat down some of the time during the concert, a lot stood up the whole time. Yes, we heard talks from the unhappy members of the audience who were seated on the FLOOR section and whose views were blocked by the people at the PIT section who were standing up after the show and really felt bad for them and wished that this arrangement would end. We saw Alan again at another venue with a PIT section last year and we were seated at the far end of the 7th row on the FLOOR section. While there has been nice people seated infront of us who tried to put a space between their chairs so we can see, my son and I optioned on standing on the side aisle and got a better view of Alan and his band. I did sit down from time to time when my back starts bothering me. . .I have had lower back surgery. This didn't bother me much as I already have an idea of how it's going to be being not able to get tickets for the PIT section. But, again, it could have been better had the PIT section was not used. Our local country radio station held a special event last year or the year before that had Alan, Clay Walker and Kix Brooks, among others, as performers at the same venue we saw Alan in 2010. We were excited to hear about it and was planning on going. Then they announced that the PIT section would be standing only so we didn't go. Few days after the event, however, we learned that there were actually seats at the PIT section for those who wanted to sit down. I don't think that would have made any difference, though. The ones sitting down, I'm sure, were outnumbered by those standing up. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. . .and to everyone else who also had a bad one. Maybe. . .and just maybe. . . if plenty enough of fans complain about this, the necessary change will happen.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 05:02:58 pm by BIGHUSKERSRED »
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2014, 05:14:49 pm » |
I understand all of your frustration. I experienced the same scenario in Kentucky when I had 5th row tickets. There was a mass of people in the pit blocking our view. It's not fair.
Brenda in Indy "Life is a journey, not a destination"
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2014, 03:11:33 pm » |
I was just at the venue we saw Alan at on Saturday and there was no pit for that venue.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 02:16:35 pm by Bostonhonkytonk »
I got a bug in my Margarita.....
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2014, 02:08:36 pm » |
Thanks so much for all the comments and suggestions. You have all really helped me.. I hope we can help the situation in the future
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2014, 03:40:53 pm » |
I am really hoping this pit thing isn't becoming a fixture at the shows..was really disappointed when I thought I had 2nd row and it turned out to be about 10th row behind tall drunk people.didn't even know that pit was offered at this show..never had a problem before with FC seats..always had great seats..Thanks to Roger,Ryan,and Joey for coming out to meet us and for the shirt and guitar pics!! Truly made my night..Great performance by AJ and The Strayhorns!! And met some great friends at the show!!
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2014, 03:43:36 pm » |
Same here!!! I wrote a letter to the fan club. Hopefully they will forward it to whomever is in charge of this unfair set-up... I cross my fingers, but I am skeptical.... I will let you know if and when I get a reply
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2014, 03:53:55 pm » |
country music is trying to cowtow to the younger demographic. the pit areas are popular now..and those with tix expect to stand and wave their open beercups all night long... they are encouraged to do that.

Posts: 33
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2014, 07:51:13 pm » |
I can't see where having tons of people standing in the pit is going to protect any artist, I would be so angry if that happened to me!! I doubt if any of Alans fan club members are wealthy and when we have to travel, stay in a hotel, eat and buy tickets that becomes expensive.
I hope this gets straightened out so people won't stop being members or quit buying new albums, it would break my heart if I was able to go and that happened to me.

Posts: 7
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2014, 12:09:29 pm » |
I agree with most of you but at all the venues I go to there are now usually a standing room only pit area. I have done the pit areas and the last time I was standing with my feet backed up to wire barrier. A younger girl with two beers in her hands said excuse me to get through ( she was with a guy to my left) well I looked down to try to find somewhere to move my feet and I guess I didn't move fast enough and she pushed her way through knocking me down and back into the barrier. I have had all I can take with these young drunks not knowing how to behave. Most venues are now standing room only up front. One I use to go to all the time is all standing so they can fit more kids in making moe money. If I get a meet and greet I may go for that and then leave. It saddens me as I was one of the biggest country music fans ever!!! I try to only go to events in auditoriums or where there are actual seats EVERYWHERE. LOL!
Jr. Member
Posts: 95
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2014, 07:54:11 pm » |
Wondering if there will be a Pit area in Hershey on Saturday.
What a Day Yesterday Was!
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2014, 09:42:16 am » |
Like said its the venues that decide to have the pit areas not the artist that is performing at the venue
Gone Country Arkansas
« Reply #29 on: September 06, 2014, 12:39:34 pm » |
I went to the lovely concert on September 5th in Windsor. I needed the elevators. I was treated well by fans, even though I had to use a wheel chair to get around. Alan was his usual talented and happy self and that make us all very happy with that super band and music.
I did have to nudge a couple of women standing in front of us dancing (in first 10 rows) and tell them FIRMLY to sit down! so I could also see Alan as well as hear him. Toward the ending of the concert, mobs of people went to get autographs and if I were healthy enough I may have done the same thing. They gave Alan flowers and that was very special. I don't know if the venue was pushing him to quit or if I was just so happy and excited but it did seem that some of those wonderful songs were cut short. The arrangement of the Strayhorns on stage was different than usual but I think there are new people. Roger was there and that was nice to see him.
Our seats were perfect and so was the concert. Yes, I agree, there are many more drunks dancing in front of their seats and blocking the view of others than any other concert I have attended. Not sure how to stop that, however. They are spoilers for true Country fans, especially Alan fans who behave themselves and yell and applaud like I do for EVERY selection.
All in all, I am not nuts about the drunks and the blocking of view but the venue should have done their best to let us SEE Alan. He was his usual spectacular!!!! I always want more so can't say whether this show was shorter or not. Maybe a few too many instrumentals. That's about all. I will always try to go to Alan's concerts. I simply LOVE his music and enjoyed the songs he picked. He is so sincere when he talks to his audience - humble and realistically caring about ALL of us. The video was PERFECT, covering both Detroit and Windsor for Canada. I play his Gospel DVD every day!!!
P.S. There were 2 suited men just standing on the stage there, toward the end seeming to enjoy the drunks pushing and shoving each other and doing nothing about it. These men were too old to be so insincere about what was going on. They were from the venue and had appropriate tags denoting that face.
My wheel chair almost got knocked over. Don't blame Alan or Cindy. They are the very BEST!!!!! Crowd control is always difficult and my heart is still beating for Alan's music. Last night was a usual thrill for me!!!!!!!!