« on: March 02, 2014, 03:31:52 pm » |
March weather is starting like a lion. Its thundering and raining and temp dropping its to go to freezing rain and sleet before tomorrow morning. Take care spring may come soon.
Gone Country Arkansas
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2014, 06:30:09 pm » |
Dee, Take care where you are. The weather has been bad all over. I wanted to drive to Memphis and it says they have Ice & cold, so our trip will have to wait. All of you AJ Fans in bad weather, Take it easy and it's best to stay home if possible, than tackle the ice on the hwys.Some have to work, I know. Be safe Everyone. I remember going to a AJ Concert in March once & the weather was Great! I hope it will be for you that have plans to see Alan & The StrayHorns.
I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo! Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan! 
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2014, 10:00:03 am » |
Spring is suppose to be here . Weather is cool mornings somedays goes to high 60s and other stays in the 50s. All are fine here. No plans for a AJ concert.
Gone Country Arkansas
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2014, 12:17:41 pm » |
I remember going to a great A.J. concert on Feb. 7, 2014 at The Palace of Auburn Hills in MI. There were 4-6 inches of snow predicted, and I figured I'd rather get stranded than miss his concert. It turned out we got home before the snow and it was a very SPECIAL concert for me and my daughter because of a lovely lady named Lori. She is very special. We had lunch a few weeks later and will get together again as soon as this messy snow clears up.
If you're looking, HI LORI!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2014, 12:46:43 pm » |
I could use an Alan concert right about now. Hello, everyone! Well, this early part of 2014 has been not too good on my family and I. In January, my SIL was diagnosed with Melanoma, had surgery done and not only lost couple of toes but also learned that it has spread to her groin and had surgery on her upper thigh too. Few weeks before that, her doctor also found a non-cancerous lesion on her brain. We have just recently visited her at her home and she's doing well with her recovery but still in a lot of pain. She has had chemo and radiation therapy treatments and will continue to do so along with the Gamma Ray treatment for her brain lesion. Prayers for her will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all and like I said, I could use an Alan concert right about now.
We've been having spring weather the last couple weeks and we hit the 70s yesterday and it's looking to be the same today too. It was so nice out yesterday, my family and I decided to do some walking exercise late in the afternoon. Take care everyone and have a nice day.
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2014, 04:02:49 pm » |
BHR, Your SIL, You & Family are in my Prayers.Things can pop up fast & I do believe in the power of Prayer. I can identify, my Sister had cancer & it recently came back. She has a great attitude and goes to the Best Drs for her, a cancer center in Memphis, TN.I'm so sorry your SIL is in pain. Mine is also but goes back soon. She had radiation & chemo also, so I can identify how you are so concerned.
BHR, I know what you mean about seeing Alan right now. I would love to see him also. It helped me so much to see him when my Mother was ill and later passed. I just feel so great to be near him, he's so humble and a good man. It was during My M&G. a perfect time. I put my arm around his waist for our photo. He will never know how much his presence meant to me, with my Mom so ill. It comforted me, and I never talked to him about it.Take care and God Bless You and Yours.Hugs, So sorry.. Jerrie from MS originally
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 01:31:11 pm by Jeri_MS »
I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo! Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan! 
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2014, 03:08:02 pm » |
It's been ages since I have been here, thought the forum was gone with the updated site and gave up. Stumbled upon it, wanting to see if AJ is possibly coming to Fla. in the near future. Hope y'all are well. Extremely busy, but productive year, last year. Honored to be involved in several charity fundraiser that together, resulted in almost $7 500 raised.
On vacation now, preparing to see four Vince Gill concerts back to back here in Fl. Lol, calling this my crazy lady tour. I understand that Vince's wife, Amy Grant will be there too. Very much looking forward to this.
Looking forward to recharging my internal batteries with some great music and hope to continue to live a life of gratitude. Brief rest, then more fundraising for legit causes.
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2014, 04:26:28 pm » |
Thank you, Jeri, for your concerns, kind words and prayers for my SIL. My family and I appreciates it. Sure would love to see Alan in concern soon but not too soon, though. I'm having seasonal allergy attack that has turned into a nasty cold. I think I'd want to recover from this first before going to Alan's concert. Spring has indeed sprung. . .at least where we're at. Thanks, again.
Miamired, good to see you posting here again. Enjoy Vince Gill's concerts. Would love to see him in concert too. Congrats on your charity fund raisers last year. I'm sure you'll be as successful with it this year.
Take care everyone and Happy Spring!
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2014, 11:14:48 am » |
happy spring when it makes up its mind. Here in 50s somedays and 30s at night. Had some rain. Spring break is next week from school and calling for rain and still 50s days. Take care everyone.
Gone Country Arkansas
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2014, 12:00:14 pm » |
BHR, just read your msg on your SIL. I hope she is getting better all the time. My thoughts and prayers are with you for her. I am not on here very much. Just have too much to do lately. I am off work today so I thought I take a look on here. Tried to get AJ tickets to a concert not that far from where I live. I was waiting for the fan club preferred seating and found out today when the tickets went on sale for the public that they were not giving them for this concert. It would be nice to find out earlier so that you are prepared to get tickets when they do go on sale for the public. I tried getting them, but the seats were too far back and expensive. I miss his concerts. I have not been to one for over a year.
AM - "Keep Livin' On Love - Canada 
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2014, 06:29:27 pm » |
Anita, thank you for the prayers for me and my SIL. Unfortunately, we just got the word that she's back in the hospital. She lost the feelings on her affected leg/foot (left) and her arm on same side. Her doctors are doing every tests to find out what's going on and has said that her cancer is far worst than was first thought. She's continuing on with her chemotherapy and, hopefully, it works. She will continue on with her chemo after her release from the hospital and continue her recovery at home. We're all praying that she'll go on remission. This is very hard for me to take. She was my bridesmaid at my wedding to my husband and I was her bridesmaid at her first wedding. Thanks, again, for your prayers. I truly appreciate it.
Sorry to hear that you missed out on the tickets sale for Alan's concert at the venue near you. I find it a bit strange too that there weren't any announcement on it from the Fan Club. Hope you get another chance at it in another venue that will be close enough to where you're at and get to see Alan in concert again. Take care.
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2014, 01:36:18 pm » |
Been raining a lot . Cool some mornings but high 60s in the afternoon. Back to school here on Monday. Spring break was cool weather and a lot of rain Thursday and Friday,, nice Saturday but cool today. Not much here don't know about going to any AJ concerts not able to walk much now. Take care April is coming soon.
Gone Country in Arkansas
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2014, 10:19:41 am » |
April is starting out spring rains The next two days we and few other surrounding states are under thunderstorms and they may get bad. weatherman this morning said be on watch for hail and bad storms.
Gone Country Arkansas