Alan Jackson
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Author Topic: Alan's Baltimore Sun Interview: Where did the REAL Country Music Go?  (Read 21077 times)
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« on: September 06, 2013, 10:47:58 am »,0,607700.story

I fully and a hundred percent agree with Alan's sentiment.

Enjoy Reading!



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« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2013, 11:35:09 am »

A great read and I agree 100% with Alan..Thanks BHR..

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« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2013, 03:46:57 pm »

I couldn't agree more with Alan's comments. It seems like only George Strait and Alan will continue 'traditional' country music. I had hopes for Brad Paisley and a few others but they all are going for the new sound which is really 80's and 90's rock. And if that's all that radio will play who can blame them. If you're a singer/songwriter trying to make a living in Country music today you have to go with the flow. Especially if you're a new artist. Most young people today don't want to hear the 'cry in your beer' type songs. Everything changes but it's not always for the better. Just my opinion.

"If you want to make me happy pour me bourbon on the rocks, and play every sad song on the jukebox."
Alan Jackson
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« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2013, 04:55:22 pm »

Wonderful article BHR.   Thank you.  We have all seen the changes come and go in country music but never as hard as it is now.  Then you have a country artist put the older generation of artists down, it really makes me angry.   Alan is one of a kind and great at all that he has done.    When I saw "So You Do Not Have To Love Me Anymore" not race up the charts, it broke my heart.   I will always love and support Alan and George Strait also but the newer artists are too much into being show stars and not writer/singer artists bringing joy to the fans.  It is a loss to country music.   
                  Love You Alan and Never Change.


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« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2013, 09:39:11 am »

Thanks BHR!
I totally agree with this . I request on Radio for Alan Songs and they seem to only play the Unknowns or more Pop type Music..I miss True Traditional Music.That is why Alan's Music is so special to me.
There are so many women  also who can sing well and seem to get passed over in Radio.
Personally I think today there are not many that great at  Singing & they  get picked up by Labels ,"I meant to say, they start out saying they are Country, but their Genre's which sounds more Pop to me."I question if they know the History of real Country Music and the Love of it. They get merchandised and become overnight Stars, simple as that..

When I want to listen to great Music, I listen to the Voice first & control, since I took voice for years. also, I love good lyrics and great Country Music, tells a story..I feel I know Alan through his music and sound. So no matter what he sings , w/that voice, I love anything Alan Jackson.

Radio plays people now here, I have never heard of mostly and simply do not enjoy.I taught my children to appreciate all
Music, Gospel, Classical,blues, Jazz, Country, but  My own roots were Country and as they say"You return to your roots", or at least I have never gotten away from mine.

One memory I have of our travels was I listened to Country and the children wanted to hear a Tape they simply loved, it was an old "The Simpson's Sing the Blues". It was a little girls voice singing Billie Holidays'"God Bless The Child", they still remember it today hehe! The lyric is so Important for Young people but todays Lyrics are not my forte, so to speak ,for Young people especially. Alan's Songs are always suitable for Family
and that is why I respect his Music. He Sings about Love, Fun Songs, Life, and you hear the lyrics.. Todays music, one can barely recognize the words or the Music is not the wonderful StrayHorns! Love them !I love "Heart Songs" and Alan Jackson can do them all. There are still a few gifted Singers out there, but not much airplay on radio, sad to say..

Alan's Music ministers to the Soul. I long for good Country Music..and w/Alan you get it..and Great Musicians too!
"Off My Soapbox now" lol-Thanks BHR, Jerrie from MS

PS-I'm so glad Alan talked about this, It's not an age thing, it's simply a matter of taste in Music.I fear
that the Music we Love, will not linger. Oh the days of Alan and a few others was discovered!! Women should be played more also, there are great Country Singers with good voices, not getting air play either.
Young people are busy listening to their Iphones anyway , so why can't radio play Country that wives w/their Men in the military want to hear or just Mom's at home or that family listens to driving.  Keith Urban  on that Guitar & Brad Paisley  and others I've seen! Ronnie Dunn perhaps. I like Sara Evans but she gets little air play here. a shame--

I really tested last night to see if one of my favorite DJ's would play Alan for me, Instantly he played "As She's Walking Away." I think Alan could do a duet with a Lady or man who Like Zac Brown is very talented & they would play That, but why should a well seasoned Singer/Songwriter have to be w/anyone to get air play on radio.Alan is a great Singer
and just anything he does, is Music I like.Being around Alan, one can sense his being humble, after all the Fame
He has a special gift for his audience, he makes us want more of his Music! He's just so real!!!..
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 09:00:47 pm by Jeri_MS » Logged

I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo!
Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan!
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« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2013, 01:17:39 pm »

iT SEEMS TO ME THAT THE REASON "REAL COUNTRY" DOESN'T get played anymore is NOT just the people requesting. It is the DJ's themselves who are getting younger all the time and like the more ROCK sound and have no real allegiance to the group of appreciators in the millions of Alan's music.  Therefore it is a double-edged sword  why we are not hearing Alan's warm and heartfelt music - whether Country or Bluegrass.  That will stay in my heart forever and I'll be at every concert my health allows me to be at the Palace of Auburn Hills and Casino Windsor.  Can't wait for more Alan!!!!

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« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2013, 05:32:53 pm »

I can't get enough Alan either. I hate it that his music is not played as much as it deserves to be. I agree with all your sentiments about the way music on the radio is being played. It will never be the same as it was, and I hate that.

Brenda in Indy
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« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2013, 05:51:12 pm »

Which is why,for the most part,when I wanna listen to Alan and others on the radio,I'll either listen to WSM-AM 650 @ night,or during the day,I listen to other radio stations that stream thier brodcast signal over the internet.Stations like WMOQ-FM in Boswick GA,WMYL-FM in Knoxville TN,WTNQ- FM in Lafollotte TN,KRIL-AM in Midland TX,KEYE-AM in Perryton TX,KSWG-FM in Phoniex AZ,and KRCQ-FM in Detroit Lakes MN are just a few stations that DO play Alan's songs,as well as real country music.And they stream their radio signal on line.

I might add,those of you in the Cincinnati Ohio area,you can hear Alan,as well as other great real country stars on WKFI-AM 1090.This station is NOT 24 hours,it's only on in the daytime.But it does reach Cincinnati,and they play great real country music,as well as Alan's songs.

And,of course,in addition to listening to one of the stations I just listed,I also play Alan and others CD's.Thank God for CD's.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 11:11:19 am by bennettgr » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2013, 02:53:24 pm »

I've seen a lot of artist comment on this lately. Ronnie Dunn has been pretty active on his Facebook about his disliking of current country radio and recent Gary Allan said something similar.

For me it feels like modern country has lost it soul. Too many newer artist are trying too hard to be popular with pop crowd. Sure, they may sing about driving a pickup truck, but it feels like to me their doing it because that's what expected of "country" artist, and not because they want to. Just my two cents, and at least i still have acts like Alan and Randy and for newer groups I can listen to Red Dirt and Texas Country.
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« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2013, 10:23:55 pm »

  It is good we have Alan still sing our favorite music I feel bad
                               bad because they won't play his new music ...after listen to
                               to what is on country to day I think we have to much CLEAR CHANNEL
                                with so much control of the stations....dizzy

"Lovin AJ since 1990"
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« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2014, 01:44:41 pm »

iT SEEMS TO ME THAT THE REASON "REAL COUNTRY" DOESN'T get played anymore is NOT just the people requesting. It is the DJ's themselves who are getting younger all the time and like the more ROCK sound and have no real allegiance to the group of appreciators in the millions of Alan's music.  Therefore it is a double-edged sword  why we are not hearing Alan's warm and heartfelt music - whether Country or Bluegrass.  That will stay in my heart forever and I'll be at every concert my health allows me to be at the Palace of Auburn Hills and Casino Windsor.  Can't wait for more Alan!!!!


There are a lot of DJ's like that.There are some radio stations that play only what they like,and not what the listeners like.And there are some stations that play only what the consultant tells them to play,and can't play what the listeners wanna hear.

But,thank God for the stations that DO play what we the listeners wanna hear,like the stations I listed in my previous post.Those of you who have not listened to any of those stations yet,I whole heartdly suggest you give them a try.Most of the stations I listed DO play Alan's songs,and they do stream on line.So give one of the stations I listed a listen to.You'll hear a lot of Alan & real country music.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 10:54:01 am by bennettgr » Logged
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« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2014, 08:49:35 pm »

I play my cd's all the time.

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« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2014, 10:37:05 pm »

I play my CDs and have mostly  AJs music on my IPod, which I use when I'm on the treadmill or walking outside....and I  never tire of listening to  Alan's music!!!  It's the Best!

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« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2014, 11:43:03 pm »

BHR, I Think Country Music as we once knew it, is having to compete w/Pop. It isn't fair.

 I can only hope that can change. If Radio, who is Country would play it, it could compete w/Pop or whatever..Half of the new names they play, I don't even know.

 Young people listen to their own music anyway, so why can't Country Music play on Radio to all those who really love it. I requested Alan recently and the DJ said "We Play Alan, when he has new Music come out."

Country Music w/Alan got me through so many deployments as a Military wife and listening to good
Country Music. It tells a story and we all identify w/it.. Alan has stayed True to Country Music, Love his Love Songs, Fun Songs,BlueGrass, well Anything Alan Sings , I love. Keep Playing it for us Alan & writing it and Singing it. Thank You Alan, for Years of GREAT COUNTRY MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!! Smiley Jerrie from MS
PS_ Love Alan's;
Precious Memories too! Also the New-The BlueGrass-
There is Always streaming on WSM Nashville, Love Eddie Stubbs! Kiss
« Last Edit: January 19, 2014, 11:59:13 am by Jeri_MS » Logged

I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo!
Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan!
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« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2014, 08:46:47 am »

Alan will be at Mohegan Sun in CT.  I can't go.  I live in Michigan and have bad arthritis and cannot fly alone so will not be going.  I must wait for him to come to The Palace of Auburn Hills or Casino Windsor where they have wheel chairs and elevators. 

I also agree with the article in Alan's Baltimore Sun Interview:  "Where did the REAL COUNTRY MUSIC go?  It is a shame that even Country radio won't play it anymore.  The young Rock and Rollers can have all the other stations or let's mix it up a bit but to just leave Real Country out altogether is a crime and a disgrace to these stations. 

I miss hearing Alan.  I love him so much.  He is so soothing and so terribly talented and true to his music form.  It's just a shame!!!  I vote for him every morning on the Top 20 Countdown and he has gone to #5 from #2 and @1 for Blue Ridge Mountain Song.  Vote and be Loyal. We need you.


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