« on: April 01, 2012, 10:00:55 am » |
It is time to start over in a new month. We have had a dropoff of posting on the board. Would love to invite some of those back to help us support Alan & to discuss his wonderful career & up coming album. It is a beautiful sunny day here in Atlanta & the Azaleas & Dogwoods are in full bloom. And wishing all of you a Happy & Blessed Easter for next Sunday.
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 10:27:41 am » |
Hi Harriet, It's a sunny day here in Switzerland. But I also like to be now in Atlanta. With me just a Georgia flag hanging in my house. But I'm looking forward to the summer. Our family will fly to texas for vacations. Only thing is sad, just when we're in texas Alan is far away with his concerts. For me it's very difficult to see Alan, I can't always fly to America. I hope he finds the way once again to Europe, perhaps even to Switzerland ! I wish you and all great AJ fans a relaxing sunday. Susanne
.....Swissgirl loves Alan..... Alan, your voice and your songs bring the sun into my heart and a smile on my face !
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 01:12:12 pm » |
Sorry you can't be here in Texas while Alan is here - the concerts so far have been great!!! Maybe he will be close to Texas when you are here!!!
"But old Tennessee and me couldn't take Texas out of her"
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2012, 07:38:15 am » |
Trying to save money for trip to Nashville for my first CMA fest, have been doing so since the fall. I know that I am like the many that find saving money increasingly challenging. Gas is a $3.99 average here, many gas stations are positing prices of $4.05 Florida power and light has sent notice of another rate increase, my basic car insurance for my 11 year clunker, (without any tickets or accidents) is almost $140 here in Miami! Regretfully, we have a lot of fraud here! A news station did a report not long ago, their helicopters filmed the many cars that have been ditched into canals around the outskirts of Miami. Apparently, the trend here is to drive your car into a canal if you can't make payments, and report it as stolen! You got it, we all pay dearly for this!
Trying to keep things in perspective, thankful that I have a job, roof over my head and food to eat, so many can not say this in the world. Looking forward to meeting some friends in Nashville and having some fun, perhaps climbing the proverbial mountain that it is taking to get there will make it even more rewarding.
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2012, 12:16:23 am » |
Hi everyone,
Mirarmed that is terrible how bad things are getting with insurance and what people are doing to their cars as yes it does affect everyone. I hope things will turn around.
Thank you all for your kind words and prayers re my hubby's cousin. It is always difficult when we lose someone close to us. We are still terrible sad adn are grieving.
On a lighter side we are going to hear SYDHTLMA live in 2 and 1/2 weeks in Hamilton. I have never looked more forward to seeing "OUR" Alan than I do now.
Hope you all have a Happy Easter!
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2012, 02:50:42 pm » |
Hello everybody, Harriet, Azaleas are my favorites, i have 4 different colors in my garden. Kevin Van der Perren skated his last competition in Nice, France (World Championship). His result was not so good,15th. A new skater is ready to take his place: Jorik Hendrickx. He's twenty and 32nd.in World standing. Let's wait and see !!!
Suzane, enjoy Texas. Maybe you can take a concert of a other singer?
Miamared, Hope you can go to Nashville and have fun !!!
Gwen, enjoy Alan in Hamilton. Be careful on the road.
Nice spring weather in Belgium, excellent for cycling. We are only April but i'm looking forward to June! I have tickets for Alison Krauss & Union Station, they are coming to Antwerp, Belgium. I'm curious how she doing. It has been a while since i heard anything new from her.
Have a "Good Easter Time" everybody ...
Belgian#1 Fan
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2012, 05:05:12 pm » |
Hi Everyone, I wish a HAPPY EASTER to Alan and Denise and family Cindy and her staff and all the wonderful FAN CLUB FANS AND FRIENDS. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. nelle
Faith, Hope and Love are some good things HE gave us and the greatest is Love. WWY 
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2012, 01:28:07 pm » |
Hi to all you AJ Fans, I have missed you all. Just to update you I have had an emergency rush to the Hospital recently and still going to Dr it seems about every day after an Asthma attack. wanted you to know I haven't forgotten you all, i just wont be able to post until I'm stronger.say prayers and hopefully I will get to see my grand daughter graduate soon and also see Alan.I am real weak. I have missed you all. Prayers to all who need them and God bless. Love to all you AJ Fans, and Have a great Easter,Jerrie
I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo! Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan! 
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2012, 06:41:20 pm » |
I want to wish a Happy Easter to all AJ fans, the Jackson family & the wonderful fan club. The weather is finally where it should be for early April - high 40's, low 50's. Opening day for the Cubbies and they lost 2-1 to the Washington Nationals. Not a great start for the new management.
Jeri - sorry to hear that you are having health issues. Take care - prayers & thoughts coming your way.
JeanB - enjoy Allison Krauss - she's one of my favorites. Please come back with a review.
Going to watch one of my new favorite shows tonight - Missing with Ashley Judd. Has anyone seen it? Love seeing a strong woman take charge!
Alan Jackson's songs touch our minds, our hearts, our souls.
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2012, 11:20:05 pm » |
Happy Easter to everyone. To the ones with little kids enjoy the easter egg hunts,, we all know how fast they grow up.
Gone Country Arkansas
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2012, 01:18:08 pm » |
Happy Easter to all of you A.J. Fans. Kathy today our weather is finally getting where it should be. So great to have sun again. Jean enjoy your bike weather and hope Allsion concert is good. Jean pray that you will get stronger soon. Sorry to hear you have been having so much trouble with your health. I am spending easter with my daughter and her family. Kelsey is spending the weekend with my son and his wife which is great that she doesn't have to spend it in the dorm. Next week she is finished her first year at University and Teresa and I will go pick her up to bring her home. Elaine
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2012, 01:28:08 pm » |
Hello to All. I wanted to drop in for a few words. Fighting a head cold,sore throat, coughing, fever etc but Jeri has it much worse than I do so Jeri, I am hoping & praying that you will get better.
JeanB- Looking forward to seeing the new skater. We have lots of azaleas in our yard & they look so pretty.
Kathy- The Braves lost to the Mets 1-0 in their 1st game yesterday. Don't worry. There are 161 games left.lol Our weather is much cooler too.
Gwen- Enjoy seeing Alan in Hamilton. Prayers still with you for your loss.
Sherry- glad you are enjoying concerts. I saw on the news about the big tornado that hit the Dallas area. Hope those involved are Ok & getting thier lives back together.
Suzanne- I can understand your vacation scheduling difficulties.
miamired- I like your perspective & hope you get to make that trip to Nashville. It is really a great place.
Elaine-Just saw your post. Enjoy Easter with your family.
Wishing a Happy Easter to Nelle & Dee & all the rest of you.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 01:30:49 pm by HariAJFan »
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2012, 01:31:43 pm » |
Happy Easter to all AJ Fans and the Jackson family ! Yes I'll enjoy Texas in July and maybe I can take a concert to another singer, but that's not the same feeling ! I'm looking forward, my hope is great to see Alan again someday. Jerrie, I hope you feel better now. Take care. Love to all greatest fans ! Susanne
.....Swissgirl loves Alan..... Alan, your voice and your songs bring the sun into my heart and a smile on my face !
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2012, 09:39:17 pm » |
Hello, Everyone!
Wishing you all a "Happy Easter!"
Jerie, sorry to hear of your serious health problems. As an asthmatic myself, I can symphatize with you. Thoughts and prayers for a full recovery and back to good health are sent your way. We're all been missing you here too.
Harriet, thoughts and prayers for recovery and good heealth for you too, I didn't know you're ailing also. Thanks for starting the April thread.
Jerie and Harriet, you both take care of yourselves and HUGS.
Kathy, I do watch Missing too and enjoy Ashley Judd's very powerful role acting in it. From what I've read and heard, she actually really did take martial arts classes/training and it kind of makes me wonder if her moves are all just acts or at least some of it are actually for real. Certainly look very realistic to me. Love that show and I think it's one of the better, if not the best, show on tv this season.
Nelle, good to see you posting here again and "Happy Easter!" to you too. I'll be answering your email soon.
Miamired, I haven't been to Nashville and it has always been my dream to be there one day and see everything that has to be seen there. I also want to experience the Grand Ole Opry and the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum. Maybe one day soon my family and I will make it there too. Enjoy your trip and the CMA Fest. I'm envious!
Gwen and Elaine, continued prayers for both of you too.
Well wishes JeanB, Dizzy, Jinx, Sharon, Sherry and everyone else I had amiss.
We're having nice Spring weather here too. . .sometimes it feels more like Summer, though...lol!. But as nice as it is, it's also generating a lot of pollen in the air and on the ground so bad that I'm on daily allergy medication doses for at least the last month and a half now. I'm fine during the day as I take my medication at night to stay that way. Hence, at nightfall I feel a bit miserable with sneezing, coughing, itchy watery eyes and all the the works until after I take the next dose and it starts working. I also have had bouts of mild asthma and, like Jerie, I also have inhaler that I use for it.
Take care everyone and you all have a nice Easter Sunday.
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2012, 02:42:20 am » |
Just want to wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Easter! Also I will be going for my biopsy results on this Wednesday the 11th. Thank you so much for all your prayers and kind words. Very much appreciated. I will keep you posted!