« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2011, 10:02:53 am » |
Dee, What A GREAT REVIEW - felt like I was there with you guys - Your right AJ has a fine group of men in the band THE STRAYHORNS - I too have had the pleasure of meeting a few of them. super nice guys.
Sounds like you all had a GOOD TIME - Nan take care of your back - hope you had a safe trip home. OZ sounds like a wonderful place to visit.
Congrats to all who had a change to see our AJ - please send him back - I'm having AJ withdraws - hope he plays the south this fall - Miss my aj buddies
" There's never perfect but there's faithful and true " - never to late to wanna do better -
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2011, 10:17:54 am » |
Dee I really enjoyed your review sounds like it has been a hoot with all the excietment.. Just waiting to see some of the photoes... Sorry to read about the wreck to your car but was glad it didn't stop your traveling... Hoping Nan will be feeling ok for her traveling back home it is such a long trip with a pain in the back...We have enjoyed reading all the excitement the fans are enjoying....Now would you please send Alan back to us...Thanks dizzy

« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2011, 10:37:53 am » |
Dee, what a great review - thanks so much! Sorry to hear about the accident - hoping Nan is feeling better. Take care. Sorry to hear about the troubles with people rushing forward - definitely a arena security issue. I've been to many AJ concerts and have never had that problem.
Alan Jackson's songs touch our minds, our hearts, our souls.
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2011, 08:27:27 pm » |
Awesome reviews!!!! Dee read yours on facebook...Looking forward to your pictures!
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2011, 08:43:00 pm » |
Sounds so exciting! Every one is having a great time- I'm so glad, Aussie Friends.

Posts: 45
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2011, 11:07:59 pm » |
Hi all,
So glad you enjoyed reading the review I posted.
Considering I was one of the people standing at the front you may be surprised to hear I agree with everyone who posted about people standing in front of the seats. I am pretty tiny and wasn't at all convinced I'd see any of Alan at the concert. One moderately tall person sitting in front of me and I see absolutely nothing. I've been reading Alan's concerts reviews for years now and know that often there's a crowd standing around the stage. My expectations were very low of actually seeing anything unless I stood in front of my seat. To be quite honest I'm so short and the stage was so high I would have only blocked people behind me from seeing their shoes.
I dropped Nan & Phil at the airport at 11:30am, my time, today. That would be 6:30pm Oklahoma time, so you should all be able to convert it from there. The car felt so empty on the drive home.
The blessings continued today. I had to drop back to the Reptile Park to collect a specimen I'd left to have identified. I mentioned, while I was there, that the photo I took of the cute little lizard they'd set on my hand didn't come out as it was too dark when I didn't use the flash, and too 'white' when I did. The girl who was talking to me said 'wait right there' and she arranged for one of the keepers to bring him back out again. This time they moved me out to the light and took the photo for me. THEN they put a tawny frogmouth (an Aussie night bird) on my hand and took photos of him with me as well. Watch for their pics on FB, along with some others which Nan has now given me - of Roger and Monty with Kris, Nan and me at the concert!
See ya, Dee.
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2011, 03:07:29 am » |
Great photos (FB) and review Dee.Thanks for sharing. Jeri, thanks for the video link.
Belgian#1 Fan

Posts: 45
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2011, 05:43:05 pm » |
Hi again. I drove my car down to the 'car hospital' today. The insurance company is taking great care of me and paid for a taxi to take me home (OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! Thank God I don't have to pay the bill! $91AUD - which is pretty much the same as USA currency at the moment. They'll have to pay it again when it's time for me to go back to get my car. Still hoping the chassis isn't bent but I chatted with the assessor today and she pointed out bends in the body I hadn't seen. Oh dear. She says it will require quite a bit of work. Sigh.
Gee Gayle, I hope they don't damage my week-old Good Time decal! (Joking. It should be quite safe.)
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2011, 07:13:31 pm » |
Never fear, dear lady, I found the first one that I bought for you and am sending it out on Monday with a couple of magazines I thought you might enjoy. Have you had a chance to watch any of the dvds? Is the quality OK?
≈*♥*≈January≈*♥*≈ "Be kinder than necessary for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

Posts: 35
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2011, 07:22:15 pm » |
Gee Gayle, I hope they don't damage my week-old Good Time decal! (Joking. It should be quite safe.)
Love it!!!!!!
counting down to March 2011.

Posts: 45
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2011, 02:26:32 am » |
Hi Gayle,
No I haven't had a chance to watch them yet. I don't want to rush watching them. I'd rather wait until I can relax and enjoy them to the max. They're sitting here beside me. I keep looking at them and smiling to myself.
I heard back from the insurance guys. $2,200 to fix. The boot floor was buckled, so there was lots of hidden damage. Not surprised at all due to how hard the hit was. Nan was wearing a barette and it shattered into about 4 pieces when her head was slammed back against the head rest. You don't get hit that hard and have as little damage as my photos on facebook showed. I was braced for the news I got today. Thank God I don't have to pay!
« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2011, 04:51:36 pm » |
Dee, so sorry about the car but thanks God you are safe all of you.
Belgian#1 Fan
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2011, 07:21:27 pm » |
Dee, thanks for the great review, enjoyed reading all of it. Sounds like you guys had a really GOOD TIME. A. J. is the best. Monty is a really nice guy too, he is always handing out guitar pics the song list or whatever when the concert is over. Sorry about your car but the main thing no one was hurt.
"Gone Country" From KY
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2011, 08:49:18 am » |
Dee, what a great review. I am glad that you had a wonderful time with all your friends and at the concert. It is fantastic that everyone else that went to one of his concerts had a fabulous time. AJ is #1. Anita
AM - "Keep Livin' On Love - Canada 