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General Category / Live Show and Tour Discussion / Re: It was more much more than you expect
on: May 14, 2010, 12:35:15 pm
Thanks for the great review Perl. AJ is pretty awesome, I seen him about 5 years ago so going tomorrow night is like my first time, it's been so long. My friend has never seen him. She will love it. Can't wait. One more day...
Can I ask you a question, do they sell smaller things at the venue like bandanas and such? Thanks for your input.
General Category / Live Show and Tour Discussion / Re: Pictures from the Rosemont Show
on: May 13, 2010, 10:04:41 pm
Thanks for sharing your pictures. I will be taking some in Rochester. Had to get a new camera. Can't bring in DSLR's. So I hope I can get some good shots with the new one I have only had for 2 days now. I'll practice on the openers.. I really wish I could bring my DSLR as I know that one so much better. Will do my best.
General Category / Live Show and Tour Discussion / Re: Anyone Going to the Rochester Show?
on: May 13, 2010, 09:52:36 pm
We are in section 32 row F. I don't know where Section 4 would be? My friend and I will have on AJ t shirts, although they are both the same I redesigned the style of mine a bit. I can't believe all the seats still available. No matter, we will be there..see you all then. And I don't know who the M&G or the front row seats.
General Category / Live Show and Tour Discussion / Re: Preferred Seating Tickets
on: March 09, 2010, 05:02:10 pm
It's midnight and not noon? Wow. I have to double check. That means 1:00 am for the east coast. I hope I'm home Sat night to order for Rochester. This fan club is so different, making sure your up to getting the best seats...LOL
Edit: Actually the 13th would be Fri nite, but Sat morning. 1:00 am, do I have that right now?
General Category / Live Show and Tour Discussion / Why do you only get one tic for m&g and Front Row contest?
on: March 09, 2010, 04:55:11 pm
My bf and I go to concerts together all the time and usually she is the one signed up on the fan clubs for the best tics, etc. We have never encountered a situation where only one person could sit upfront, or go to a M&G. Going to the concert with your best friend is part of the good times. So I find this strange. And I don't see why it would matter if you were both fans either, because you may not both be chosen. What the hay?