« Reply #45 on: July 27, 2010, 09:13:55 am » |
BHR, hope your hubby is continuing to improve. You both are in my prayers.
Loving That Alan Jackson in South Carolina!Cause life's a dance don't ya know That's it, there you go
« Reply #46 on: July 28, 2010, 06:53:17 pm » |
Thank you all again so much for the continued thoughts and prayers for my hubby and I. He is continuing to recover well and as a matter of fact he has returned to work already but taking it easy for awhile. Of course, the weather will not cooperate and give him a sunny return to work week. Instead the week has been stormy, thus far. If that wasn't bad already, he got to work Monday morning with the clinic having a minor non-weather related flooding problem. Welcome back to work! :-) And as for his continued recovery, he is still feeling some soreness when his body is in motion such changing position when sleeping in bed, sitting down from standing position and vice versa, etc. If he's having anymore problems at all it's his incisions itching like crazy. I offered to scratch them for him and he said, "No thanks!" LOL! 'Course he knows I was just kidding. :-)
We're still waiting for the result of his liver biopsy and hoping and praying for the best result. I will keep you updated on whatever we find out.
Nelle, thank you for the message you posted. I got a bit choked up reading it. I feel so blessed to have everyone here surrounding my hubby and I with prayerful supports and caring thoughts. We will be eternally indebted to you all and forever be grateful for all these kindness bestowed upon us at this time.
« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2010, 09:24:21 pm » |
BHR, thanks for the update. Try putting some Hydrocortisone cream on hubby's itchy spots- it is sold over the counter. Hoping for good results from his liver biopsy & will continue prayers for both of you. Hugs, Harriet
« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2010, 04:38:54 pm » |
Miss "A".....I can't believe that one of the CB's didn't e.mail me and let me know this... I rarely come to "off topic" no excuse, just honestly never think about it
You know you have my ~prayers~
Send me an e.mail; I can help YOU, you know that !!
« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2010, 09:57:50 pm » |
Miss "A".....I can't believe that one of the CB's didn't e.mail me and let me know this... I rarely come to "off topic" no excuse, just honestly never think about it
You know you have my ~prayers~
Send me an e.mail; I can help YOU, you know that !!
Hey, Melanie!
Thanks for the offer and the prayers. Truly appreciate them. I will be emailing you soon. I actually posted a message about this at the CB board for everyone there to see rather than emailing all of you there just because I really got busy taking care of things here at home in preparation for hubby's surgery and the after care.
Be talking to you soon. Take care.
« Reply #50 on: July 29, 2010, 10:00:46 pm » |
BHR, thanks for the update. Try putting some Hydrocortisone cream on hubby's itchy spots- it is sold over the counter. Hoping for good results from his liver biopsy & will continue prayers for both of you. Hugs, Harriet
Harriet, thanks for the cortisone suggestion. Yes, I used that too when I had my past surgeries. I should have thought of it myself. Take care.
« Reply #51 on: August 03, 2010, 03:15:41 pm » |
LIVER BIOPSY RESULT: The good news is hubby doesn't have cirrhosis of the liver. The bad news, he have chronic hepatitis. We don't know what type it is exactly. He have an appointment to see the same specialist that did the ultra sound test on his liver that showed he has multiple gallstones and recommended the surgery he had, on the 18th of this month.
And on his gallbladder, it has been a good idea for him to have had it removed and we're both glad that he did. He has chronic inflamation of the gallbladder, apparently. If he had not have it removed he would have landed in the ER with an emergency situation that could have done him worse than "merely" undergoing a surgery.
Thank you all for your continued prayers with our appreciation. . .always.
« Reply #52 on: August 03, 2010, 03:37:29 pm » |
BHR, Thanks for the update. Glad he doesn't have Cirrhosis. Prayers continue for you & your hubby.
« Reply #53 on: August 04, 2010, 01:01:50 pm » |
BHR so happy he didn't have cirrhosis of the liver. My prayers are still with him and your family. Elaine
« Reply #54 on: August 04, 2010, 02:46:17 pm » |
Thanks for the continued prayers, Harriet and Elaine. Appreciate it.
« Reply #55 on: August 11, 2010, 02:32:41 pm » |
Thanks for the continued prayers, Harriet and Elaine. Appreciate it.
BHR, You and Your Beloved Husband are still in my Prayers , Always. My deepest Sympathy for the recent loss also. I hope the Family is doing as well as can be expected...I hope he can have surgery to help the problem he now faces.. My Prayers will be with you both. I know you have been though so much, so quick..I will continue our Prayers here and you take care, also prayers for strength for you also.. Hugs and prayers. Jerrie
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 12:07:39 pm by Jeri_MS »
I enjoyed the Meet and Greet in Tupelo! Thanks so much for your time! Nice meeting you Alan! 
« Reply #56 on: August 12, 2010, 02:28:12 am » |
My prayers are with you and your family. Never hesitate to reach out to others when in need of prayer. The good Lord never intended for us to carry burden alone. I wondering if you are eating okay, getting enough sleep ,etc. Please take care, okay?