I sure would give him a treat if he came to my house. Wouldn't that be something. Just dreaming. Don't think it would ever happen. We had over 200 kids this year. The last group came around 9:11pm. The weather was real nice for the kiddies. We usually dress up and have our place all done up, but this year we were too busy we did not have time for any of that.
My sister down in central, FL said she dressed with a long black dress on and a black mask and they thought she looked so pretty. Sitting among the flowers and ghost & goblin decorations lol. she forgot to put anything on for mosquitos and got bites all over her neck and she may have to go to the Dr. she forgot & used perfume..Her home has a pood at the back of the covered pool. That could have made them worse recently..Poor sis.. They handed out 5 huge bags, the older kids got greedy. ha! we didn't have time this year either.