I am trying once again to get nterest in Vascular Ehlers Danlos Sybdrome.
This is my fianl search. I will not be here to carry on but my children will. all have Vascular Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, a rare fatal disorder causing organ ruture and vascular bleeds. My course is near end and I keep trying to get interest and help from a
great musician who can be our spokes person or HERO.
Would you do the same?
Thigs for me ar so prioootozed and driven by my search for help for my children and others that have this rare condition.
see www.ednf.org the vascular type
If one person hears and replies that can help I will thank God and that person for the rest of my life.
Alan has made me cry and laugh, he is the heartbeat of America.............I love him no matter and can not wait to hear his goledn voice and special lyrics at BJC in State College PA.
love and kisses to all
Love nad happ